Artist: Esther Park, Pennsylvania
Materials: plastic fork and recycle aluminum can
Size: 8
Artist Statement: I use a unique methodology to create jewelry by transforming materials that have lost their function and value into new accessory forms. My work goes beyond the mere functionality of accessories by encapsulating the meaning, effort, and time of the creator, surpassing materialistic value.
For this project, I collected thrown-away plastic forks from American school cafeterias, as I come from a culture that traditionally uses chopsticks and spoons. I conducted several material studies and manipulated the four prongs of the forks using heat to create various shapes. I also utilized aluminum cans, which are easily accessible in streets and trash bins due to the high consumption of carbonated beverages in the United States. I cast the ring part of the accessory using these cans.
Artist Bio: Esther Park graduated with honors in Metal and Fiber Craft from Dankook University which is located in South Korea, and is currently pursuing a master's degree in Tyler 3D CAD CAM. Starting with a group exhibition in 2018, she has consistently and actively continued her artistic endeavors through six solo exhibitions. In particular, in 2023, she exhibited two pieces at The 37th Marzee International Graduate Show 2023, hosted by Marzee Gallery.
This ring was part of Battle of the Rings: Ring Smackdown 2024, an online exhibition and competition. View the entire collection , view the matches , and learn more .